"From Prevention to Performance, Optimal Health is Achievable"

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sun is out, time to get dirty

Ahhhh, Spring! Just saying the word puts a certain skip into my step and a smile on my face. Spring, brings the promise of sun (and often rain) filled days that offer an abundance of activity choices. Just last weekend I spent a lovely day at the park, playing tetherball (talk about a throwback), baseball, and tennis. On Monday, it was a great day to pull weeds and throw sticks into a pile in preparation for laying mulch and planting flowers.

Despite literally never getting my hands in the dirt of the garden as a child, I really feel like I have accomplished something when the beds are clean and full of life (or at least the potential of life). Getting my hands, knees, and feet in the earth felt good for my soul. Almost like a meditation where I am relaxed simply by listening to birds, wind in trees...and cars on Lee Highway :)

I would love to hear from you and hear how you all like to spend your outdoor time...is it a time of reflection? time to sweat and exercise harder? are you exercising or "working" outside?


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