"From Prevention to Performance, Optimal Health is Achievable"

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A passion to serve

We often hear about folks wanting to discover their life's purpose, or their passion. By developing and cultivating these we are led to believe that we will be fulfilled and "finally" feel peace. After hearing of this man, Stephen Wampler, who willingly has climbed El Capitan in Yosemite National Park using only his hands....I knew I needed to assess my view on some things. The purpose of his climb was to raise money for disabled children to attend camp. Please take the time to visit the link above to learn more.

To learn of this mans passion and mission, was a testimony that all things are possible with God, and that to serve others selflessly has a ripple effect along the lives it touches. In an effort to multiply the goodness that has come from his efforts please select one of the following below to make a difference:

1. Donate to the  Wampler Foundation
2.  Hold the door open for someone and flash them a smile; honor the people you share this earth with
3. Call a friend or family member you haven't spoken to in over 3 months. Say hi, and appreciate the sound of their voice, and a brief catch up.
4. Pick up a piece of trash; if we all did this-think of how clean our space would be, and how much the earth would benefit. If you dont know what im talking about, visit The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
5.  Pick a foundation or special interest group to volunteer your time, donate some change, or get involved in some way that you are serving someone else.

Take a deep breath and smile...now doesnt that feel nice?

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