"From Prevention to Performance, Optimal Health is Achievable"

Friday, May 7, 2010

The door is open....what are you waiting for?

Has the public reached their limit of discussing health care reform yet? I for one am ready to hear people talking more about proactive health care. In the current medical model people readily go to see their primary care physicians to manage symptoms once they become intolerable ( I confess I am one of them). A smaller percentage of the public embrace preventative medicine: to maximize their function and health in the present moment, and invest in the future. Most of these services are out of pocket expenses and take more effort and lifestyle modification on part of the individual. I see it is money now, or money later. The same goes for effort: do it now, use it or lose it. Bonus: much of this out of pocket medical expense can be written off at tax time.

It is a choice to keep your “engines “ (body systems) running efficiently and effectively…or pay for the “repairs” later, when they may be far beyond recovery.

One untapped resource for wellness in the United States in particular is Physical Therapy. Throughout Europe Doctors of Physical Therapy are seen as “body mechanics” of sorts. They are called upon for prevention, performance, rehabilitation, acute and chronic pain. Per conversations with my international friends it is common for people to have a “family PT” much like we have “family doctors. More often than not folks can’t tell you what physical therapy is, unless they have had the fortunate experience of working with one. Additionally, most locals in the state of Virginia, do not know that you have the right to see a physical therapist without a prescription from your MD, DO, DC.

In an effort to educate the public of their rights, their resources, and their personal accountability to live a healthy and high functioning lifestyle: the following information is beneficial:

1. You have the right to see a physical therapist without a doctor’s prescription. Sorry Medicare policy-holders, you aren’t included just yet.

2. The physical therapist must hold a certification of authorization to evaluate treat via Direct Access by the State of Virginia in addition to their Degree, to treat you beyond the initial evaluation. There are over 200 certified practitioners in Virginia.

3. If you have an acute ache/pain/injury, your physical therapist will more than likely be able to see you the same day or within 24 hours. This will generate a comprehensive examination that can be sent to your primary care practitioner for your follow up appointment. This is required of your physical therapist to complete within 3 days of your evaluation. ***BONUS: This will save you a co-pay, and perhaps make productive use of the waiting time before you can get in to see your doc.

4. Your treatments can begin right away. You may be well on your way to pain-free function before you even get into your doctors office. Your therapist has 14 consecutive business days to treat you before a doctor’s signature is required to continue.

This is certainly not a comprehensive list of how to use this readily available and beneficial resource. I encourage my patients to embrace preventative medicine and holistic health as much as they can, BEFORE things begin to head south. You can work with a physical therapist, a chiropractor, acupuncturist, a DO, an MD, a naturopathic physician, a massage therapist, a life coach, a nutritionist, energy healers and body workers, to name a few. The spectrum of options is vast, and the best part is that you can tailor your wellness program as you please. If you are already on the path of wellness, kudos! Please recruit your friends, family, and colleagues to get on the train. It’s a wonderful investment for yourself and the community.

Thank you for listening!

Here’s to your health.

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