"From Prevention to Performance, Optimal Health is Achievable"

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Green slime is delicious

The past week I have introduced daily green smoothies for breakfast. I must say that they do give me a burst of energy, ensure that I get my daily servings of fruits and veggies, and they allow me to be out the door and on the road in record time. This week, while peaches are still in season, i add two of them plus a banana into the blender, followed by 3 handfuls of baby spinach and some cold Brita filtered water (plus or minus some protein powder).

The color: BEAUTIFUL....although truthfully not something that evokes a YUM! I cant wait to drink that sludge feeling.

The flavor: Delicious. Tastes exactly like a peach, banana smoothie. Ive found that freezing the fruit the night before gives it a creamy and cool, milkshake consistency so that I dont have to add additional ice which waters down the flavor.

The benefits: Numerous. First of all,  I believe that God has blessed us with all the nutrients we need in food (in its original form, not in the processed junk that comes in plastic wrap, plus a cardboard box with ridiculous marketing ...that doesn't serve our bodies or minds...). In one meal I got over 4 servings of fruits and veggies, making it un-necessary to take additional supplementation if I make sure to include some more throughout the day.  I understand the "quick and easy" route of taking a multi-vitamin.  But if you consider your food as fuel- you want the real deal, right?

Secondly, did i mention how fast it was? I dumped in the goods, flicked the switch, and poured all that nutrient rich goodness into my "on the go bottle" ( an old glass bottle I had lying around-no bpa to worry about, no leaching, and it looks nice)

Third, my skin....in 5 days has been more luminescent and even toned. Could it be hormonal? Sure. Could it be the gallon of water I drink daily? Sure. But gosh darnit: I think the new addition has made and impact as well. Why wouldn't it? Nourishment from the inside out.

There are plenty of "green smoothie" recipes out there. You can substitute kale for spinach if you like. It is a stronger veg...so use with caution as it tends to overpower fruits moreso than other vegetables.

I challenge you to try it...just once. You have nothing to lose.
